武田双雲 Souun Takeda
また、フジロックフェスティバルや、様々な国でオファーを受けパフォーマンス書道、書道ワークショップを行った。 B'z、野村萬斎氏等とのコラボパフォーマンスも。
Yohji Yamamoto(ground Y)やディズニーなど様々なブランドとのコラボレーション。
個展 produce by SELENE ART MEDIA
● California porch gallery in USA ●アートフェアチューリッヒ in SWISS
●日本橋三越 ●大丸心斎橋 ●大丸京都 ●GINZASIX ●大丸貴賓会 ●伊勢丹新宿
●伊勢丹サローネ ●静岡大丸松坂屋 ●高松三越 ●日本橋三越
●volta basel スイスアートフェア ●wbb ギャラリー(チューリッヒ)
●大丸札幌 ●GINZASIX ●大丸
●名古屋三越 ●ginza six ●福岡三越
●伊勢丹新宿 ●松坂屋静岡 ●仙台三越
●volta basel スイスアートフェア ●高松三越
●新潟伊勢丹 ●札幌三越 ●京都大丸
●松山三越 ●volta basel スイスアートフェア ●名古屋栄三越⚫︎GINZA SIX⚫︎仙台三越⚫︎静岡松坂屋⚫︎広島三越
『きみはすばらしい いまのアリとキリギリス』『神様のおなら』(東京ニュース通信社)
『武田双雲 戦国武将を書く』(ぴあ)
『はじめてのお習字 かん字』(幻冬舎)
『「子どもといること」がもっと楽しくなる 怒らない子育て』(主婦と生活社)
『一瞬で幸せが訪れる 天国めがねの法則』(KADOKAWA)
» Books
宣言 「双雲は人類成長に深く貢献する存在になります。」
English —
Souun is a Japanese calligrapher, born in 1975 in Kumamoto prefecture.
He was first exposed to calligraphy at the age of three by his mother, Souyou Takeda, a professional calligrapher in her own right.
After graduating from Tokyo University of Science, he worked for NTT. Three years after leaving this job, he became an independent calligrapher.
Souun has collaborated with different artists across a variety of fields, and his work has appeared in numerous exhibitions around the world.
His technical skill, his ability to give physical life to invisible meaning, and his high energy and unique vision, have made him a highly sought after artist. He regularly receives commissions from companies as diverse as grate companies, The World Cultural Heritage Organization, and The Japan Expo. His calligraphy can be found all over Japan, including on Airport gates, on the wall of the Tokyo Metropolitan Station, TV shows, magazines, theaters, book covers, and even Kei, the supercomputer that became the world’s fastest in 2011.
He was hired by the Japanese government as a cultural envoy to promote Japanese culture, and has been invited to perform and give lectures throughout the world, including in Moscow, Russia and Geneva, Switzerland,etc.
In addition to his art he has authored more than 70 books.
■solo exhibition
(produce by SELENE ART MEDIA)
SWISS WBB gallery
Takeda Souun has a lifelong goal,
“To sow seeds of joyful living and to create thankful cycle for whole human family.”
He always tries to create artwork, which inspires people to enjoy active lives and fills people with appreciation and happiness. He believes that if a person is filled with a sense of well-being and gratitude, she/he can return these feeling for others. The wave of well-being and gratitude will spread exponentially through society, and eventually build a peaceful and better world.
He creates his works and always seeks the best way to achieve this goal. While he respects traditional calligraphic ways, he does not hesitate to take new approaches creating calligraphic work.
Souun’s attitude towards Calligraphy
Takeda Souun believes that calligraphy is one of the powerful, spiritual art form and is a combination of skill and creator’s energy and spirits and is also defined one of the simplest art form.Calligrapher attempt to bring words to life and she/he work reflects her/his vision, mind, thoughts, energy and spirits. That is one of the reasons why he begins from meditation in the creative process to purify the mind and soul so that he can endure word’s power with character. He educes the words’ original power and freeze people’s thoughts, mind, image, and spirits into a black and white simple art form. He also transmits a glimpse of the universe in his heart, his energy through his brush and breathes new life into every single work. This is why people say his calligraphy art work has affirmative power, positive energy, and awareness within. The work talks to your heart and can enhance your emotional and spiritual health.